Artwork > To Dig Holes and Pierce Mountains

To Dig Holes and Pierce Mountains (Coal Chute Rubbings), 2020
Charcoal on vellum
60.96 x 243.84 cm
Series of eleven works on paper

Grassy Mountain Road Rubbing, 2020
Charcoal on vellum
73.66 x 45.72 cm, ed of 2

This series of works on paper was created on-site in abandoned coal mining operations in the area now known as Crowsnest Pass, Alberta. Each metal coal chute was cleaned, vellum was laid on it, and charcoal rubbing was completed, capturing the many dents in the chute's surface from the coal flow through the now-abandoned operations. Charcoal was collected from local campfires, and some pieces were created by the artist from locally collected willow. The Grassy Mountain Road Rubbings were created by taking a rubbing of a work sign at the site of the proposed Grassy Mountain Coal Project. Photos: Bluetree Photography, courtesy of Campbell River Art Gallery and, courtesy of uLethbridge Art Galleries.