Artwork > Canadian Forces Artist Program

Artist's Sketchbook (War Diary), 2019-2023
Artist's Sketchbook (War Diary), 2019-2023
watercolour and pencil on paper
27.9 x 35.6 cm

From 2019-2023, I began researching the work of the first female Canadian war artist, Molly Lamb Bobak, focusing on her wartime dairy. During my time in the Canadian Forces Artist Program, I began to develop a war dairy in the form of a sketchbook which combines images in watercolour and pencil and text based on my experiences with the CFAP along with research on the treatment and status of women in the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF).

Text: "a man can be seen as stoic and forceful and a woman is a bitch. I was told early in my career that i had three choices: to be a slut, bitch or dyke." -anonymous stakeholder

Quote from "Report of the Independent External Comprehensive Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces,” by The Honourable Louise Arbour, C.C., G.O.Q., May 20, 2022.